I will just speak and speak and speak and you may hear me and talk back to me. So long...
Iraq and B.A. and others.....
Published on August 9, 2004 By olikara In Life Journals
Oh a post after many months now. A record? Is it? Anyway what's been happening in between now and my last post.

Nothing much except for the fact that

1. I topped Madras University (I.D.E.) - 1st Rank for B.A. History 1st year.

2. I will be a father coming January.

3. No fun in Bombay and am looking toward moving to Bangalore.

4. Sona left for Qatar.

5. Manju has joined me here and am bootstrapping him.

6. Balaji left to join IBM, B'lore and is now in North Carolina.

Rest in the next post.

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